We haven't mentioned UKIP for a while because we have seen very little happen recently.
The only person we see in the press doing something appears to be the ex-Farage sychophant Nikki Sinclaire MEP (who has since fallen out with her Leader and is standing as an Independent) and seems to be earning her money. As for the rest, who knows?
Interestingly, many UKIP members are also turning on their Leader, as shown by his recent defeat of 2 to 1 against his PEP Membership Proposal.
How can the Leader of UKIP think it viable and acceptable to want to remain part of, and actively participate in, the very entity which it originally swore to extricate itself from???
"Jobs for the Boys" spring to mind yet again.
If only UKIP was led by a (Congressman) Ron Paul type, Uncorruptable, Defender of the Rule of Law, devout follower of the Constitution and a belief in "Real Money" and tight Monetary Control.
Surely UKIP members must see, that its MEPs have been corrupted by the allure of the EU bribe - even John Bufton MEP was caught on camera 2 years ago for claiming his Parliamentary Attendance Allowance on a Friday, when the Parliament doesn't sit - and we thought he was one of the most honest and moral of the bunch.
Unless someone of vision steps forward soon and is supported by UKIP members and the general public at large, we shall all be entrapped by the EU Tyranny.
A United Ireland Maybe Closer Than You Think
4 days ago