
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Dr Eric Edmond Accuses UKIP Leader of Lying

We were intrigued to read A former UKIP NEC member - Dr Eric Edmond - accusing UKIP Leader Nigel Farage of lying and deception.

If his comments are true, can the British People really vote for UKIP on Thursday?

Eric Edmonds Blog quotes:

"Nigel Farage's Economy with the Truth"

I returned to the UK in time to see last night's Question Time with the great leader in a minor supporting role to the star of the show, Daniel Hanaan.

Hanaan has led the fight to publish MEP expenses. Farage has not. Why not? Because he has had his snout in the trough, employed his wife and did not want his expenses published. His statement that he will publish receipts for his expense funded expenditure is not good enough. Dimbelby should have said that the electorate were surely entitled to know these facts before the 4th of June election when Farage was asking for their votes.

Farage again trotted out his imaginary tale of a UKIP meeting being stormed by a BNP member as part of a publicity stunt. He was clearly alluding to the NEC meeting of 3rd November which was attended by UKIP member Buster Mottram. When the BNP membership list was later placed in the public domain I could not find Mr Mottram's name on it.

I believe that in the late 70s Mr Mottram was a member of the NF. This was known to Mr Farage whom I believe described it as a 'youthful indiscretion' and approved Mr Mottram's UKIP membership presumably because of Mr Mottram's high media profile as a former British number one tennis player.

I was at the meeting of 3rd Nov and my recollection of the events are as follows. Mr Mottram had written to the Party Chairman in September or earlier requesting an audience with the NEC. Chairman Nuttall phoned me prior to the scheduled October NEC meeting for my views.

I replied that the NEC should always briefly see any UKIP member who wished to address us on UKIP matters. Nuttall then cancelled the October meeting at short notice citing that some members were unable to attend. (What he meant was they did not have sufficient votes on 6th October to kick me off the NEC!)

On 3rd Nov at 2:00 Del Young & I entered the first floor room at the Farmer's Club, Whitehall Court where the meeting was due to be held. Buster Mottram was sat on Martin Haslam's left with David Abbott sat on Martin's right. I sat down next to David with Del on my right. Farage & Nuttall arrived shortly afterwards and sat at the head of the table. (Farage and his cabal habitually have a preliminary meeting at the hotel next door prior to the NEC. David, Del and I were of course never invited!)

It is quite simply a lie to say Mottram stormed the meeting. He did no such thing.

There was some debate about whether we should listen to Mottram and whom Nuttall had phoned re Mottram's attendance which I found confusing as he was referring to phone calls made 6 weeks previously for the October meeting. Martin said Mottram was there as a witness to his phone call from a jounalist from the Independent newspaper. This was a scandalous entrapment of Martin by Farage who had set up the whole thing with the jounalist so he, Farage, could accuse Martin of disloyalty.

Later in the meeting I forced Farage to admit his sordid scheme and when he did I called his actions despicable and left. David, Martin and Mottram also left with me. At the same time the police arrived. Mottram was not ejected. He left of his own free will. Del left about 5 minutes later.

Mottram did testify to the spoof phone call to Martin and then challenged Farage about employing his wife at a large salary in direct contradiction of stated UKIP policy. Mottram then made some proposal of an electoral alliance with the BNP which was unanimously rejected. Denny, Zuckerman, Oxley and Duffy became increasingly agitated and hysterical. Nuttall completely lost control. There was no storming of the meeting as Farage stated.

That Farage fabricates stories on the hoof is seen by his claim on QT that full details of his expenses are available on the Open Europe website. I could find no such records and neither it seems could Anthony Butcher and others of Democracy Forum. Open the link below to read the thread:Farage expenses I have suffered from these Farage fictions before.

Farage claimed one of the UKIP candidates deselected, i.e. me, had advocated supporting another party in the June elections. I never said this. What I did say in mid Dec 2008, after a meeting between Farages representive Malcolm Wood concerning Libertas and my local committee, a meeting at which I only spoke once to advocate support for Trevor Colman and the SW UKIP campaign, was that if the general feeling was to cooperate with Libertas I would not oppose it. At that time it was common knowledge that Farage was in discussions with Ganley concerning a joint campaign and in January, one month later, one of Farage's assistants registered with the Electoral Commission a party called Libertas UK!It is a complete lie that I advocated supporting Libertas.

My view was that if Farage and his cabal wanted to have some sort of joint campaign with Libertas I would go not oppose it. He had done this in Ireland with Ganley and frequently crowed about his contribution to the successful Ganley campaign against the Lisbon treaty. Farage was the one pushing the Libertas link not me. The proposed link died when Ganley saw through Farage.

I confidently predict Farage's expenses will never be made public in the same detail and over the same period as our MPs recently have been in the Telegraph. If they were Farage would suffer the same fate as these MPs like Hogg etc.

posted by Eric Edmond at 02:15 on 29-May-2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Will UKIP be exposed before June 4th?

Well, who said a 'week is a long time in politics'?

Two weeks ago, UKIP looked as if it was heading downwards to retaining 3 or 4 MEP seats. Last week as a direct result of the MPs expenses scandal (not because of anything UKIP has done) it looked as if 15 or more UKIP MEPs would be elected.

This week, because of Mr Farage's arrogance and willingness to boast about his expenses, it is quite possible that even the 3 or 4 seats may be in jeopardy.

We have the Sun, Mirror, Guardian starting to reveal what fellow UKIP members already knew. UKIP MEPs had gone native and many were taking advantage of the lax expenses regime. What has proved revealing however, is UKIP MEPs votes against increased transparency and declaration of expenses. We wonder why?

Much now depends on the media. It may still strike UKIP lightly for fear of a BNP upsurge, but decent journalists (yes there are some) cannot allow someone as hypocritical as Mr Farage to get away with condemning greedy MPs when he himself has claimed some £2million (as reported in the media).

The next few days will prove crucial.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

We Are So Worrying UKIP and its supporters, we are Now Being Framed

It's interesting to see, that having proved critical of UKIP's behaviour under Nigel Farage's leadership, that we are now being framed, by person or persons unknown, which has been picked up by Mr Mark Croucher, to whom we are extremely grateful for bringing this to our attention.

I refer to today's post by Mr Croucher on the British Democracy Forum ( underlying the accusation (perfectly understandable why this mistake is made) that we, and whoever is posting under the guise of Political Gossip UK on Stormfront, are the same people. WE ARE NOT.

If we supported the views that our impersonator advocates then we would post it on this blog too and say so. But we do not. This is without doubt a set-up by parties who are clearly worried about the effect we are having on public opinion about UKIP and its Leader Nigel Farage MEP.

It is extremely sad that in politics these 'dirty tricks' are adopted and like the other Political Parties, UKIP are no stranger to them either (e.g. the video release of John West's media training interview on UTube and the departure in recent years of more than 8 NEC members who left in disgust or dispute with the Party).

This is exactly what we are fighting to clean up. UKIP was supposed to be different from the other Parties - and yet it has mired itself in the same filth. If it had not, it could now be rising high and adopting the 'moral high ground' on the 'expenses issue' which has so gripped this Nation. Instead, like most of the other Parties it lies low and hope that they too are not investigated too closely.

So to repeat, we TOTALLY DISASSOCIATE Ourselves from whomever is using our name on the StormFront publication and if we have anything to say, we will say it here. We hope that Mr Croucher will continue to read these extreme right wing publications and let us know should anyone else take our name in vain.

Monday, May 11, 2009

No Prize For Booker Today!

Christopher Booker published whole hearted support for Marta Andreason and her newly launched book about EU Finances in the Telegraph on 9th May.

Well Mr Booker, if you did a little research, rather than be blinded by the 'Glamour' of having been allowed to address UKIP Conferences and 'plug your wares' you may have noticed all is not what it seems.

Rather than go into detail here, an excellent resume has been written on caterpillarsandbutterflies - which addresses most of the issues.

It is disappointing to us, that Mr Booker should support someone who has recently been parachuted into UKIP (a Party which has major internal divisions about its own financial reporting and accountability, with a former MEP having been jailed for 'fraud', another under arrest, and numerous OLAF enquiries opened about other incidents) with a view to a seat on 'the gravy train'.

Mr Booker, you have to date been a true fighter for liberation from EU Diktat and you have based that on meticulous research, but we feel you have somewhat blotted your copybook with this article, and please remember, 'Your Enemies Enemy is not always Your Friend.'

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Farage Fibs on Andrew Marr Show

Having watched Andrew Marr questioning Nigel Farage this morning, we were surprised at the very easy time Mr Marr continues to give the leader of UKIP. We are seriously beginning to wonder whether Marr has 'lost his bite' and should continue to be allowed to 'front' a so-called Political News Program. Perhaps the BBC should employ a recent graduate at a tenth of the cost of Marr, who can put benign, non-confrontational questions just as easily as he can - after all, we all have to cut costs these days.

Now to the point of this post. Mr Farage, yet again claims on National TV that his Party (under his leadership) deals with problems like his 3 now departed 'errant MEPs' quickly and decisively. Really? There was no decisive action taken against Tom Wise. Tom Wise allowed his membership of UKIP to lapse. Tom Wise resigned from the Ind Dem Group (of which Farage is Chairman). There was no cull, no Committee of Expulsion, no sackings. In fact, many UKIP insiders believe that Nigel was 'frightened to weald the axe' in case Tom Wise 'spilled the beans'on him.

So lets get real. Mr Farage, the sound bite might sound good, but it impresses no-one in the know. You claim that UKIP stands for Truth and Honesty. Mmmmm - then lets see some practiced please.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Searchlight - Croucher - UKIP Databases ?????

We recently commented on the actions of Mark Croucher and his involvment with UKIP databases/emails when apparently he is not employed or engaged by UKIP and therefore a potential breach of the Data Protection Act has occurred.

More concerning however has been his past involvment with an extreme 'left wing' organisation called Searchlight. In previous correspondence, Mr Croucher admitted that he had used this organisation to vet certain members whom he believed to be possible 'right wing' infiltrators. Certain UKIP members are suspicious that this organisation is being used for other 'deviant' activity.

Nevertheless, according to our sources, it transpires, that having landed UKIP in potential trouble as a result of publishing information on the British Democracy Forum about his latest entrapment exercise involving 'misleading emails' and Mr Piers Merchant, a former UKIP member has been approached to help deal with the mess that has been created.

Although we have not substantiated this, we suspect this former member to be Mr Rob McWhirter, who currently resides in Switzerland having previously resigned from UKIP in disgust. It would on the surface make sense, as Mr McWhirter is, we believe, somewhat of a techno-wizard, but to approach him, in view of his resignation, UKIP must realise that they are in a desperate position. We could of course be wrong but we are aware that an approach has been made to an 'overseas' ex member.

We wait with baited breath.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Internal War at UKIP and Possible illegal Actions

Well what a day today has been.

We knew that when Mark Croucher admitted that his pubs had failed (no shame in that if it was purely down to our politically mis-managed economic environment) he would be spending more time on UKIP matters. But we had no idea the storm he was going to create and the potential for landing UKIP 'in the Dock' again.

Let us explain:

On the British Democracy Forum this morning, Mark Croucher reveals that he 'set a trap' in order to reveal the identity of the 'UKIP Leadership thorn in the side' Junius. This was based around the sending of 'false emails' (for the purposes of entrapment, and unencrypted - more on this later) in the knowledge that a blind copy was allegedly being sent to Piers Merchant (former Tory MP and UKIP MEP - Roger Knapman assistant).

This information was apparantly 'leaked' to Junius and Greg Lance Wakins; Mark Croucher has come to the conclusion therefore, that Junius must be Piers Merchant' and this, to some degree, was supported by NEC member Douglas Denny.

At the same time, Mark Croucher publishes a report from the Information Commissioners Office (under the terms of the DPA), criticising UKIP for its 'shoddy' (our words) security over data and insisting on a number of steps UKIP must take or action will be taken against them. One such stipulation was that all sensitive data must be sent encrypted - yet MC admits the emails were despatched - unencrypted - BREACH.

It would also seem from details in his original posting, that they have also mailed their entire database 'willy nilly' without encryption subsequent to the serious warning given.

But this next bit is even more interesting.

Mark Croucher admits that he is not employed or paid by UKIP presently (and on previous postings that he is not a member of UKIP). So we ask 'Why has Mark Croucher been given access to UKIP's data and computer systems?' - is this not in breach of the Data Protection Act? - and runs contrary to the recent warning mentioned above?

Now we have to admit, we are not lawyers, and we are not waking our solicitor up at this time for his opinion, as it would cost us around £500, but we think UKIP may have broken the Law here!

Comments would be appreciated.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Musings at Yesterday's Budget

Well its 02.00 on Thursday 23rd April and a quick check of all of the UK political websites show the individual Political Parties response to Darling's Budget - all except UKIP. Even the BNP have issued its views and yet UKIP (the 'Third/Fourth Force' in British politics) says nothing - O well, perhaps they are waiting for Nigel to get out of the pub to give his percieved wisdom - after all, its still early isn't it?

Well, we have just a few comments to make, and perhaps UKIP can copy them to save them making it up on their own:

1. Total government debt will double to 79% of GDP by 2013 - the highest level since the Second World War. The annual budget deficit will rise sharply to £175bn for the next two years

Assuming Darling's figures are correct (and they haven't been so far) we can see considerable devaluation of the £, hyper-inflation in a couple of years and much higher taxation levels than currently experienced.

New World Order Consipracy Advocates will see this as a deliberate attempt to ruin the currency and economy, with a view to the development of a single World Currency, Bank and Government - who knows?

2. A new 50p tax rate for earnings over £150,000.

This is just a token gesture - it will bring in a pittance - but Brown believes will obtain good headlines - as even the wealthy will pay.

Wrong, most will be able to avoid this via clever accounting techniques, but worse still, Brown has broken a General Election Pledge - not to raise Direct Taxation. This, coupled with the false promise for a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, means that election pledges mean nothing - Yes that will certainly instill confidence in our Political system.

3. Fuel duty will increase by 2p per litre in September and then by 1p a litre above inflation each April for the next four years.

The further development of a 'carbon tax' protecting our environment. Most informed individuals do not believe this 'global warming' scam, but nevertheless, we will all have to pay for it - roll on the electric/solar car. The problem is, while oil is only $50 a barrel, Brown can get away with it. What happens if it rises to $150 + again?

4. Mr Darling confirmed the economy would shrink by 3.5% in 2009, with a forecast of 1.25% growth next year rising to 3.5% in 2011.

Well, we may agree with the first figure, but the rest is fantasy land. Unemployment will continue to rise for at least 12 months. Manufacturing hardly exists, unless it is heavily subsidised, and the City is in turmoil. It certainly suits Labour to suggest that the economy will improve once the General Election is over, as it provides promise before hand, and should the Conservatives win, not achieving these figures, will be blamed on them - quite simple really.

There is more to add, but the BBC and Press will cover most of the points. We feel, that while in the short-term, the borrowing will alleviate some of the worst effects of the Depression, it will cause considerable pain for the UK Economy for the next 5 - 10 years (if not longer). There are hard times ahead and we do not believe there is one Political Party currently in the UK that is able, or sufficiently competent to deal with, the disaster, this Labour Government has considerably contributed to, if not caused.

It's 02.20 and still no comment from UKIP - must be a 'sit-in'.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

UK First Party (UKFP) - a Serious Party or just Fantasy?

The recent launch of the UKFP excited many of our staff, as we thought that perhaps here was a genuine alternative, to the now much beschmirched, UKIP.

However, weeks after its launch, there has been little publicity, a poor website created and the 'founding member' - Bruce Lawson - on holiday at time of launch and little seen since.

Whilst much has been made of Robin Page standing in the Eastern Region for the European Elections in June, the proposed candidate (Petrina Holdsworth - as confirmed on the British Democracy Forum) for the South East has garnered much less publicity. Bearing in mind the 'brave' stance she has taken to stand in the same area as UKIP's Leader Nigel Farage MEP, we expected to see much more made of this than has currently been forthcoming.

We at Political Gossip UK certainly hope she does not repeat her performance as shown at the UKIP Leadership election and pull out of the running at the last moment - as this would certainly call into question UKFP's ability to fulfill its announced intentions, and call into question, as to whether it is a serious Political Party or not - not to mention any embarassment it may cause Ms Holdsworth herself.

Our feeling at the moment is that its 'shadow leader' Bruce Lawson is not up to the job and has launched this Party prematurely, as little appears to be in place. Admittedly, Libertas is in a similar position, save that its owner does have a few million pounds to throw at it, should he desire, - we are, as yet uncertain, as to whether Bruce Lawson is in a similar position.

If the UKFP is not serious in its intent, it is better off 'out of the way', otherwise it needs to undertake some action pretty quickly, if it is to come close to achieving its published aims.

We shall watch this space closely!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Has Farage been caught out 'Fibbing' again?

Dear Readers,

We have just been informed that Mr Farage has been 'economical with the truth' during a recent interview.

We are just verifying the story before details are published.

Watch this space - if accurate, he is in deep deep water.

Political Gossip UK

Sunday, March 29, 2009

What is Stuart Wheeler Really Up To?

Well Stuart Wheeler is donating £100,000 to UKIP and has urged Tory's to vote UKIP at the Euro elections. However, he plans to remain a member of the Conservative Party and to vote Conservative at the Local and General Election.

So, what is he up to?

Well, watching him on the Politics Show today, he admitted that MEPs have no power (and therefore the vote is not that important to governance) and that all he wishes to do is to send a message to the 2 main Parties of how 'important' the issue of Europe really is, in the hope, that Cameron (in particular) changes his stance on Europe, moving towards a more Eurosceptic/withdrawalist position.

(Not forgetting he also mentioned that his family admit he is vain and garnishes publicity from time to time - where else could one get so much media coverage for only £100,000?).

So what does this say about UKIP? Well, the £100,000 will be useful (providing the Leader spreads it around the Regions and not 'hog it' for the South East only), but lets admit, this is no ringing endorsement for the Party. Rather than be seen a a 'Real Political Party' with ambitions for power to change the way this country is run, Wheeler sees UKIP merely as a 'Pressure Group' against the Tories.

So, despite his much covered media exposure, Nigel Farage has failed to convince any serious minded individual that UKIP is worth voting for, other than to act as a 'Protest Vote' - GREAT - well done UKIP - you've come far in the last 3 years. If the BNP were not so embroiled in a history of Racism, we are confident, the money would be going to them.

We are concerned nevertheless, that Mr Wheeler, allegedly a 'man of principle,' is prepared to support a Party like UKIP, so mired in allegations of 'corruption and wrongdoing' as reported in the media. However, he did say during the TV interview, that he regarded the issue of Europe as 'more important than anything else' - so perhaps he is happy to turn a blind eye. On refelction, this must be the case, as he was happy to endorse a Party embroiled in Cash for Questions and Minster's infedility and 'Swords of Truth' perjury's etc etc.

It's a pity though that he is clearly not well read on the subject of UKIP's actions -. Derek Clarke signing for greater subsidiarity in the EU and Nigel Farage calling for a 'new approach to Europe' - hardly a withdrawalist position.

However, we do see some Shinnanagins in the background. We understand that Iain Dale is callling for Stuart Wheeler to be 'kicked out' of the Tory Party for his 'treason'. Mmmmmm. Iain Dale knows full well that all this is likely to achieve, is the driving of Mr Wheeler into the hands of UKIP - the Leader of which is a 'close friend' of Iain Dale.

After all, we were all confused in this office at Mr Dale's effusive comments towards Nigel Farage - but we understand that a few meals and drinks together have placed these 2 individuals at a different 'operating level'. According to a Nigel Farage critic, 'Nigel was never fussy about the company he kept'.

However, Mr Wheeler, we at Political Gossip UK believe you are mistaken in supporting UKIP on the grounds that it is not the Party you think it is, and if you wish to send Cameron a message, then arrange a lunch with him and 'thrash out' your differences. Meanwhile, let's all watch and see how well UKIP spends your money.

Political Gossip UK

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Why We Believe Farage has Destroyed UKIP

Well, lets be generous and forget the alleged scandal accusations levied against Nigel Farage MEP.

Let's be generous and forget the alleged scandal accusations levied against many of the other UKIP MEP's.

Let's be generous and forget about the accusations levied by Party members and ex-members of dictatorial/psychopathic rule by Mr Farage and his Cabal.

Let's be generous and forget about the Funders, Peers, MP's, MEP's and Economists who once supported UKIP and now want nothing to do with the Party since Nigel Farage took over.

Let's be generous and forget about the abysmal local election results UKIP has had in the past 3 years.

Let's be generous and forget about UKIP's Leader being the only one interviewed on National Television, sounding more and more like the charicature 'Tory Boy image' portrayed towards the end of the late 1980's.

Let's be generous and forget about the alleged financial corruption of UKIP's Call Centre's, Lottery syndicates and EU Funding for UK political activities - as reported in much of the media.

Let us forget all of the above and pretend none of it is true.

DESPITE THIS, NIGEL FARAGE MEP HAS OVERSEEN THE DESTRUCTION OF THE VERY PARTY HE HELPED TO CREATE, through poor political judgement and failure to form alleigances with obvious potential allies.

Instead of cosying up to the Tories in posh restaurants and their offices in Strasbourg/Brussels, he should have been speaking to the left and centre left in British Politics, members of which have been equally damaged by the imposition of legislation from the EU.

We have seen today the launch of run by one of the most well known and significant Trades Union Leaders in Britain today. UKIP SHOULD HAVE HAD HIS MEMBERS SUPPORT - and under different leadership - probably would have got it.

So now, we have, the BNP, Jury, UKF, and all taking up the ground upon which UKIP stood and dominated.

So MR Farage, while you were trying to move onto the 'Tories Lawn', others have moved onto yours, and even more may yet try before June.

Goodbye UKIP - you have been destroyed by your own Leader.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

UKF Party Launched, Libertas UK & Jury launching - whatever next ?

This is the month of New Political Party Launches. All of which will, to differing degrees, attract votes from UKIP.

All 3 Parties having ex-senior UKIP members actively involved - all of whom driven out of UKIP by Nigel Farage MEP.

When UKIP fails at the June elections - its members will know who to blame!

What a waste of potential!

(We are also advised of a 4th New Party being considered to enter the anti-EU territory - more disgruntled UKIP'ers - we knew congestion in Britain was a problem but this is just getting silly).

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Libertas About to Launch and Nigel Farage Chatting?

We are reliably informed that Libertas will launch its UK operation within 15 days.

What is concerning is that Nigel Farage is still attempting to 'cosy up' to some of its Lead People. Why Nigel? We thought UKIP wanted out of the EU - or is there something we should know????

Watch this space!

Political Gossip UK

Friday, February 6, 2009

Good Performance by Nigel Farage - What a wasted talent!

Let it never be said that we at Political Gossip UK do not give credit where it is due.

Nigel Farage's performance on Question Time last night was very good. (Not brilliant as his sycophants claim, not derisory, as his detractors claim - it was very good).

This is the heart of the problem.

His supporters like him because he can perform. However, he is undoubtedly a 'one trip pony'.

His leadership of UKIP has been disasterous - No new money, No major defections from the Conservative Party, No mass publicity - all of which he promised during his Leadership election campaign.

The Party is in civil war with fractions occurring throughout England & Wales. Conferences are being held in opposition, fellow MEP's are writing against the leadership - the Party is in chaos and it is all down to one man.

There is no doubt in our mind, that he should never have stood for the leadership. Having won however, he should have embraced his opponents and not discarded them or supported defamation against them. Just imagine how powerful UKIP could be today if he followed either of those suggestions.

But no, having made one major mistake, he has moved on to others, culminating in the recent attempt to gain dictatorial powers - all pointless, unecessary and fatally damaging.

Instead of success, as 'it's time has come', UKIP is all but over. It just needs the confirmation of the British Public at the European Elections in JUNE.

What a shame - Good Speaker - Lousy Leader.

Political Gossip UK

Monday, January 26, 2009

We are back and a brief Update re UKIP.

Well, its been almost 6 weeks since our last posting, and we wish to apologise to our readers for this delay.

Firstly, the whole team were focussed on such a major political project, we became somewhat distracted from the goings-on at UKIP. Also, fully aware that Junius and GL-W's various blogsites would be carrying up to date info, we knew that readers were not going to be 'left out in the cold'.

In summary:

The Judicial Review result has not gone well for UKIP, with the matter being referred back to the original judge to effectively amend his decision. Our lawyers advise that the logical out come, is that the whole donation from Mr Alan Bown is forfeit, and the grey area rests with the division of costs;

Both Dr Eric Edmond and Dr David Abbott have been ejected from the NEC for what, one can only assume, is as punishment for attempting to call the Leadership to Account;

Members will be asked to vote on changes to the Constitution giving almost absolute power to The Party Leader on matters which would normally be the province of 'The Disciplinary Committee';

It is believed that 'Libertas' is likely to launch in the UK in early February, with members already chosen to stand in the South East. This will seriously place Nigel Farage MEP in considerable difficulty, especially bearing in mind, it is quite possible that recently expelled ex-UKIPers may also stand against him. With UKIP's record of poor electoral results under Mr Farage's leadership, it would prove somewhat ironic, if he too were to lose his seat;

Finally, there are strong rumours afoot that the South West are going to declare 'Independence' from UKIP should Nigel Farage attempt to remove/replace Trevor Coleman MEP from the top of the European 'list'. It is common knowledge that the Leader wants to see Gawain Towler (whom many regard as Nigel's 'puppet and devoid of self-will) placed as Number One. However, certain recent revelations concerning his private affairs, may prevent this from happening.

All in all, an interesting few weeks, with political manouvers apparently taking up the time the Leadership has available and, what has now become, the laughable and discredited NEC.

More to follow, especially with regards to certain issues coming to light concerning UKIPs Leadership.